A 72-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with white patches on the right side of her tongue and slight palsy on the right side of her face, reporting that the symptoms had developed 4 days earlier. She also reported dizziness, otalgia, nausea, and vomiting. She had no history of diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive illnesses. Examination of the tongue revealed multiple vesicles and pustules on the right side of the tongue and soft palate
Ramsay Hunt Syn ---> Herpes Zoster ---> Geniculate body ---> facial and vestibulocochlear ---> neuritis and sensoryneural hearing loss. She should have history of chicken pox.

Ramsay Hunt Syn ---> Herpes Zoster ---> Geniculate body ---> facial and vestibulocochlear ---> neuritis and sensoryneural hearing loss. She should have history of chicken pox.
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